sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Capitana Galaxia preparacion

En lo que termino algunos pendientes me puse a pensar en hacer una version adulta de Patty/Galaxia; se que que la version Teen tambien llamaria la atencion, pero haciendo uso de mi Mexicanidad y memoria historica, aparte de mi ojetez, pienso darle una apariencia que el grosso del lectorado Mexicano aceptaria y asumo que personal de otras latitudes tambien.

Estas serian mis referencias, dado que ya le habian dado ciertos atributos, como se ve a continuacion:


Asi que trataria de darle estas medidas:

Aparte de que la monita de Crystal Knights fifa completamente en ella :3

Manos a la obra!

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Capitana Galaxia Hentai JAM 01

Well, I was plotting in add more features on it, but since time is passing and I advance slowly on it I release this digital picture book now.

Is nothing much new, jsut all the Galaxia Pics done by me compiled in a single file for the moment. More are in the process of inking, but that be shared later.

Also, I have to ask all of the friends where I abused their kindness in furfilling my request
of images of Her in kinky and not so kinky situations, to give their permission to be featured in a second "Jam" of Galaxia.

Simply because thery are awesome people, their pics are so sweet and hot and be a shame if are not share with the audience.

But thats a matter I have to discuss with each one ;)

So here is the link:


And here are the content, in teh pic attached.

If you follow me in hartist maybe some are known to you......but others arent ;)

This is made without persmission of the rights owner. Doujinshis are that way ;)